NAS down! NAS down!

My home nas has decided to die for the second time, good job I keep a cold spare. I've swapped the drives over and the raid is currently rebuilding. I am now on my third shuttle so thinking I will replace it with a HP N54L Microserver and be done with it, just need to wait for one of their cashback offers to crop up then I'll buy one.
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Decisions Decisions

As per one of my earlier posts i'm looking to upgrade the drives in my home server. I've been looking into how I go about doing this from a Debian point of view and it seems like a bit of a mission, I would have to manually fail a drive, insert new one partition copy data across etc also i'm wondering how long 2tb is actually going to last me, remember this is the server for all the family so at some point I can see storage requirements expanding beyond thsi. 

At the moment i'm looking at the HP G7 N54L Microserver which although advertised as supporting 8GB memory and 4x2TB drivers people have reported running them on 16Gb memory and 4TB drives plus it supports hardware raid.
The trouble is doing all this will cost about £400 which is a hell of a lot of money BUT will this be cheaper than upgrading 1TB avery couple of years?
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Fibre is on it’s way

Just did a random check of my exchange and it's saying "AO Accepting Orders which means that the exchange is ready to accept orders from all communications providers for fibre broadband services, such as BT Infinity.

However, this doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be able to get BT Infinity at your property"

So seems like they are just dangling the carrot at the moment. I've signed up for notification of when it's available. Fell sorry for my mother in law who only lives about 200m from the exchange which means she's more than likely directly cabled to the exchange meaning she doesn't have a street cabinet and thus won't be able to get the FTTC service.

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How to root Motorola DROID 4 (XT894) on Jelly Bean (Android 4.1.2)

My Droid 4 arrived yesterday from the U.S as an upgrage for my Droid 3. One of the things that annoys me the most about Verizon phones is the shear amount of bloat ware so as per my D3 I decided to root it and set about getting rid of it.

1, Download root checker free from play store
2, Run root checker free from apps menu
4, Downlaod the latest drivers for your phone from here MotorolaDeviceManager
5, Enable USB Debugging on your phone in settings -> Developers option
6, Enable unknown sources in Settings -> Security, this allows root exploit to install a superuser app.
7, Downlaod RAZT BLade explit and extract the folder onto your PC's desktop.
8, Open "rzr_blade" folder and then run the explit by double clickink "run.bat" a dos command window will pop up
9, Connect your phone to a USB port via a USB cable and follow the onscreen instructions. You will be required to make changes to the "battery saver" memu in the smart actions app. 
10, When you get a success message your phone is now rooted.
11, Verify by running root checker free again.
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Linksys WRT54G Hacking Part 1 – Opening The Case

Now i've been fortunate enough to have previously opened a fair few of these using the widely published method of having the router upside down with the back towards you and pushing the the front two feet away from you. Now on more than one occasion I've managed to break or bend plastic and clips so came up with my own way of doing it and not had any breakages yet.

Place the router on it's side on a flat surface and put the palm of your hand and thumb in between the the legs and gently push until a small gap is created between the blue facia and black casing.

Next insert a small flat head screwdriver between the facia and body

Next gently move the handle of the screwdriver towards the rear of the router which will open the gap all the way down

Then simply 'unhinge' the facia away from the body

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Linksys WRT54G Hacking

So after modding a WRT54GL for a job at work I decided that I would do the same for my own one but add as many hacks as I can. This is bit of a nostalgia trip for me as I still have some linksys routers from about 10 years and remember liking them then. They've proved popular in the community as being very hackable due to running linux.



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Time for a new NAS

I’m currently paying for 50gb of remote storage but the trouble is I need to backup too much data offsite ie in excess of 500gb to make this facility financially viable. I’ve been searching for a suitable box that I can place at a friends house so I can backup my files to there. I have 2 spare 500gb sata drives so looked at NAS enclosures, I drilled it down to a D-Link DNS-323 and a Thecus 2100 both of which have low operating costs in terms of power consumption something which is important as my friend is hosting it for free. After spending some time looking at specs I’ve decided on the Thecus. It has a faster CPU 600mhz, upgradable memory, 3 USB ports and 2 gigabit network ports. The plan is to run Debian 6.0 on it.

I’m currently watching 2 on fleabay so will hopefully nab one of those.

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