Thecus Woes
Debian on Thecus N2100 NAS
Time to switch
Since the creation of theoutpost (TOP) in 2005 it's been run on serendipity (S9Y) blogging software. For some time I have had problems with the WYSIWYG editor and not being able to format posts correctly. After a lot of pondering i've decided to make the switch to wordpress due to it's increased functionality and plugin availability. One thing I do like about TOP currently is the theme style and layout, I enjoy the simplicity of it and the fact I was able to easily edit it to meet my needs especially on the gallery side of things. For what seems like an age searching 100's if not 1000's of wordpress themes I think i've finally found one I like that keeps in line with the current clean minimal layout.Â
Open Pandora
Just stumbled across a new handheld device running linux descibed by the
creator as ‘A mixture between a PC and a gaming console. That’s why it has
gaming controls (Buttons, DPad and analogue nubs).’
Slightly bigger than a Nintendo DS it’s fast enough to emulate many other
systems, run a full desktop, access the internet via FireFox and play
games such as Quake3. Boasting an 800*480 screen and a claimed battery
life of 10 hours plus.
All sound good? you bet ya, the downside? there’s got to be one hasn’t
there and with this it seems to be the price costing a whopping 440 euros
for it’s entry level 430-MHz system. To me that seems steep by anyones
standards especially when I netbook or laptop can be picked up for around
the same price.
Read all about it here
Boss has just treated everyone to a thai for lunch, she was kept very busy mwah ha ha.
New Job
Started a new job last week and must say now starting my second week is that I've never been so bored.
Stream crawling
N 54°11'39.91", W 0°17'06.16"
My Location
2, Primrose Ave
N 54°11'13.03", W 0°16'58.66"