Choices choices

Over the past few days I have been researching different monitors and here's the ones I like so far….

Samsung B2230H
Samsung B2230W
LG W2261V-PF
Dell P2210H

Once I have a full list I will compare them against each other to wittle them down.

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Oh the irony

I've been secretly wanting a new PC monitor for a while and a couple of weeks ago our old crt tv in the bedroom started playing up. I thought I might be able to blag/sell to the misses the idea of getting a tv with a dvi input meaning id get my new monitor and killing 2 birds with one stone and saving money, sneaky it may be but practical none the less.

Ironically last Friday my monitor started playing up and went 'dim' for a couple of minutes before returning to 'normal' again, over the weekend the screen would randomly go black but the light would stay green and not turn amber indicating loss of signal, I had to turn off then on again to get it working again. Alas now it only stays on for 2 seconds I tried it on the laptop just to be sure and the same thing happens so its basically trashed.

The tv seems to have righted itself so its now my quest to find a replacement monitor and I'm thinking a max of 22".

Glad I didn't tell the wife about me wanting a new monitor as it breaking down a few days ago would have looked a bit sus ha.

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Cam Hunt

In my hunt for a new ‘project’ webcam I seem to have cleared ebay out of
them ha. Story so far….

Logitech Quickcam Connect = No
Logitech Quickcam 3500 = No

Please note some of these cams can be made to work on linux however require
patches/kernel recompiles etc etc which I can’t be bothered with.

I’ll update this post as my testing continues

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I hate mondays….

Couldn’t find my id card this morning. Got on bus and oyster card had no
money on it so had to pay in loose change. I went to cashpoint and got £20
out. Got to station checked oyster card ballance which was £1.10 put tenner
in to add £5 machine displayed £6.10 swiped my card to update it and it said
it couldn’t be read and refunded me £5, I checked the balance and it still
showed £1.10. I spoke to station people who made me out to be a liar saying
id prob only put £5 in, I said id just got £20 from the bank and showed him
the other £10 to prove I had money to pay but he said machine hadn’t shown
an error, I suggested we try to re-create the problem but he wasn’t


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