Just ordered the case an Antec 300 hence the project name the case is black and the word necta is made using the letters in antec.
Picked up the first part for my build today an Arctic Cooler 7 Pro Heatsink and Fan looks the nuts.
I’m trying to decide on a name for but new pc build project but as yet nothings jumping out at me ha.
Bloody gits at work sabotaged my kebab with some stupidly hot sauce. No fear i’ll buy the next ones 😉
Sky One
Good news after much battling Sky and Virgin have finally reached an agreement meaning Virgin customers now get Sky 1, I noticed I had it yesterday.
Virgin Update
Funnily enough the now Virgin owned http://www.cableforum.co.uk/ previously NTLhell is now offline, it was working fine 15mins ago I suspect they’ve taken it down themselves.
Virgin TV Down
Well @ 12:26 today my Virgin Tv died. Only terestrial channels are working with all the others saying ‘not currently subscribed’ tried reboot of box and no change, date on box says 1st Jan which is bad. After a bit of digging (with no help from virgin as all their status pages are down) I’ve found out that it’s a NATIONAL problem and all the computers at Virgin are down. Emails are down as well, they hope to have it fixed in about a hour. Also apparently it’s a power problem affecting the ex-Telewest areas.
Users in Wolverhampton, Bradford, Birmingham, Essex, West Lothian have all reported loss of TV but it appears broadband is still working ok (mine is as awell)
360 GTA IV Review Coming Soon….
Well i’m off to the pub for a few jars tonight, hopefully i’ll get a chance sometime this week to update my blog as i’ve been a tad lapse.
Bye Bye Sky….
Yup i’ve decided to get rid of my sky tv. Why? you ask, well it’s mostly due to the fact that due to working shift work I don’t actually watch much TV hence the £45 odd per month is wasted, also evertime someone walks past my house and sneezes I loose my signal. I was going to upgrade to Sky+ but again that was £150 for the box and £30 install.
I phoned Virgin and plyed them with my negotiation tactics and managed to get their V+ box for £75 instead of £150 and their XL TV Package and 2meg BB for £24 per month. Yes i’ve heard all the bad stuff about Virgin TV what with the planner crashing and being slow etc but when I used to pay out £25 for my Demon broadband (which I only got 1meg from) and £45 for sky I think it makes economical sense to move.
I’m currently waiting for the men from Virgin to turn up and install it. At the end of the day I have a 30 day money back guarantee on it and my sky contract doesn’t end till the end of the month so if it’s that bad i’ll stick with sky.
R U A Freak In Bed?
Hmm well apparently I am 😛