Doctors Letter
I’ve been told by my doctor that they should be sending my letter off today.
Stage 2
Got my Stage 2 tests today, feeling nervous but will try my best.
Interview Passed!
Received confirmation yesterday that i’d passed the interview part of the process. I now have another part to complete next week so again fingers crossed for that.
Deep Thought
Woke up before my alarm this morning, why? because I was thinking about my application, I know I flunked it but it’s the waiting for the letter that’s such a nightmare.
World Of Warcraft = Bloody Nightmare
Had a couple of days off work so yesterday I thought i’d make use of a 14 Day Trial for World Of Warcraft i’ve had sitting in a draw for months.
Boshed in the the dvd and it said i’d need 5 gig free HD space so I jigged some bits around and managed to scrape it together. Install from disk took aaaaages over an hour in fact. After was done had to reboot PC. I then setup an account on WOW. After logging in it said I needed to download an update patch all bloody 456 meg of it!. After doing that it said I needed another 1.7 gig free space so again I had to delete unwanted stuff. Thats it I thought now I can play but NO after doing that it said I needed to download another one at 697 meg!. After that was done it said I needed another 4 gig free. Well at this point I nearly lost it so knowing I couldn’t free up that much space I uninstalled the whole lot.
Today I re-installed it on a spare drive, I’ve downloaded both patches sat at my desk with lunch and a hot cup of tea expecting to kill something only to find I need to download ANOTHER FOOKIN PATCH this time at 529 meg. They’ve got to be having a giraffe, it’s times like these when I think I shouldn’t venture into the new era of gaming and instead stick with solitaire. RAH!
2 guys turned up about half 12 and although the barely spoke any english they managed to install my service and get it working, I couldn’t get them out the door fast enough so I could pull it all apart. They installed the box behind the TV so i’ve had to run some CAT5 into the spare room where the router is. Everythings configured and seems to be working ok.
Much happier with that, means i’m paying £15 less p/m but getting 1 meg more lol
The wait begins
Yup virgin are due to install my broadband today between 8 and 1 so no doubt they’ll turn up around 4ish ha.
Well just done another speedtest and got
Under 1 meg for £25 per month sucks balls so i’ve signed up with Virgin, bad move? probably but we’ll see.
Call to sales….
Me “I have a few quesitons about your service”
Virgin “OK”
Me “What’s the contention ratio?”
Virgin “What?”
Me “What’s the contention ratio?”
Virgin “err i’ll speak to my techy friend”
(music plays)
Virgin “There isn’t one”
Me “OK, your ad says upto 2 meg what speed will I get?”
Virgin “You’ll definatley get 2 meg as it doesn’t depend on how far away from the exchage you are like ADSL”
Me “Do you throttle bandwidth or have in place any bandwidth management?”
Virgin “Im sorry”
Me “Do you throttle bandwidth or have in place any bandwidth management?”
Virgin “Please Hold”
(more music)
Virgin “No”
Fishy Virgin
I phoned virgin media a few days ago to enquire about their £10 BB offer. Oviously I did my own research before hand but thought i’d put the sales guy to the test.
Me “Do you know what the conention ratio is?”
Virgin “Yes I do actually”
Me “Well what is it?”
Virgin “Please hold”
(Horrible music plays)
Virgin “There is no contention ratio you get all the bandwidth”
Me “Really, do you throttle your bandwidth at peak times?”
Virgin “No never”
Well fook me looks like virgin media are doing leased lines for £10 per month why hasn’t everyone got one? Either these chimps are not trained or they are told to lie through their teeth.
Last night I had a call from an area rep so I thought i’d test him.
Me “What’s the contention ratio?”
Virgin “What’s your current suppliers?”
Me “Errr 25:1”
Virgin “Similar to that”
Me “Similar?”
Virgin “Yes similar”
Me “Yours is actually 50:1 isn’t it!”
(Long silence)
Virgin “Who told you that?”
Me “Well that’s what it is isn’t it!”
Virgin “Yes similar”
Me “It’s not bloody similar it’s double what mine is now”
So i’ve spoken to two people and both have been very shifty about virgin’s service.