Domain Sales

Can money really be made from the sale of domain names? Well today I decided to put it to the test. I’ve registered 8 domains at the cost of £36.22 and tomorrow I will be listing them for sale. So we shall see….

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36 Hours On

Well it’s 36 hours since my last smoke, what’s it like? well apart from the headache’s, nausea, furry mouth, cravings, and the fact that I woke up at 5 this morning not too bad 🙁 So far i’ve been doing it cold turkey ie no patches/gum etc, I’ve brought some patches but not too sure if i’m going to use them or not.

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Cor Blimey

Haven’t I been slack with the updates? been so busy haven’t really had time.

One thing to note is that I passed my work driving assesment so i’m now allowed to drive company vehicles 🙂

More to follow soon I promise!

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Raj’s Attestation

Went to see Raj get attested last night. Everyone looked smart in their uniforms. The ceremony was good and the recruits seemed very proud of what they’d achieved, Joe managed to be late and turn up half way through ha!.

It was then off to the pub for a few jars before making the hour long journey home.

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Birthday Do

Finished work then it was off to the pub for a couple of jars. Scott and Raj turned up as well which was nice, we’re off to Raj’s parade next month to heckle him 🙂 After drinks and giving a couple who were only a shandy away from having sex on the table one last look we headed off to the local curry house. Great meal was had and thanks to Graham none of us had to pay anything, cheers mate.

One thing a lot of people learnt that night was….

King Cobra Beer

Is bad, and at ABV. 8% i’m not surprised!

They also got me a new torch that I wanted and some vouchers

What a great bunch of people I work with….

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