Why do people on crowded trains insist on standing and reading their times newspaper that takes up half a carriage alone. Surely they must see everyones fighting for their inch of terroitry!
My course is going well and the end is nigh. During this weeks daily battle with the wonder that is public transport and while coming down on the esculator I looked over to my right at the up esculator and thought that the people on it are like drones they don’t look at anyone, don’t talk, don’t smile, but just sip from their luke ware starbucks coffe and browse the mornings metro. I also wondered if they’d actually notice if the top of the escualtor wasn’t infact an entrance to the station but rather a 500 ft shear drop and they’d all unwittingly plunge to their squishy death in a lemmings style freny.
Snow Madness
It wasn’t until someone mentioned on a forum that they’d had snow overnight that I actually looked out my room window to notice that i’d been hit with it as well. Can’t be too bad I thought it’s only surface stuff. But I was wrong, apart from nearly breaking some sort of bone by slip slidding down the pavement with my psh shoes which should be advertised as skies due to the lack of grip the journey was to prove much worse. Got to the station, track was clear no snow but then the announcement came, “train has just left Watford and will arrive in 15 mins”. No problem I thought, but 15 mins came and went and the station filled up causing people to huddle together like penguins. FINALLY the train came and we squeezed on like cattle. My subsequent trains were no different and I was glad for my Mc’ds breakfast at the end.
Wot No Bins
Started a week long training course today which meant I had to travel to Victoria station. Now seeing as i’d arived early I decided to get a bite to eat as in my egarness this morning i’d forgotten about breakfast. I had a hot snack and then set about the disposal of my rubbish and do you know what? I couldn’t find a sodding bin anywhere! I trapssed all over the main station promanade but not a single one in sight, I ended up throwing it away in a council bin outside. What’s the story with that then? why no bins? however on my waste disposal rampage I noticed at the same time that there was no litter on the floors?
Sold the van today
To everyone that knows me. Went clubbing in Suffolk, was a good night with plenty of drink, got to bed about 4am.
Well i’m all pigged out, ate enough food to feed the whole of west london and drank the same ammount to boot. Got lots of excellent presents and now on a christmas wind down chilling and drinking 🙂
Merry Christmas
To all that know me. Wishing you and your families well and hope santa brings you everything you wanted.
Work Do
Off to Jongleurs comedy club in Camden next weekend, just booked the tickets and got em for £7.50 each instead of £15, BARGAIN!!
Decided had enough of it already so put it back on ebay lol.