E220 Modem On NSLU2 Running Debian Lenny

A while back I was trying to get my tmobile e220 modem running on my nslu2 and I tried everything wvdial / network-manager etc etc but still nothing. Getting it to work was the major foundation to a project I was doing so HAD to be done. I was at my wits end when I stumbled purely by accident a webpage explaining how to do it via UMTS. Here’s a copy of the page for archive purposes only none of it is my work and all credit goes to the author.

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Lenny On NSLU2 No Longer Supported

After a flash drive crash I wanted to re-install Debian 5 on my NSLU2 however after visiting the authors website I found it’s no longer supported and thus forcing you to install Debian 6 Wheezy. Also you can no longer use the graphical install that we have all become accustomed to but rather manually partition and format your drive then download and extract the base file onto it. I tried it the new way and what a long winded process it is. After getting Debian 6 up and running I found my custom software install script failed at multiple points due previous packages not being available in the new release. I decided to find a way to re-install Debian 5 and this is how I did it.

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Oh dear looks like my xbox has the dreaded RROD (Red Ring Of Death) I thought it was going to be a problem I had before whereby the AV cable had become dislodged (4 red lights) however it's the dreaded 3 lights indicating the RROD and a hardware problem. I've ordered a repair kit of fleabay so will post up my findings once i;ve got it.

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Slackers r us

I can't believe its been so long since I've done an update shame on me.

Today I attempted to view some of my old Demon workmates personal blogs to see what they've been up tto only to find either the domain has expired or there's no content at all. It seems I'm in the minority of people who still run their own personal blog. I have a facebook account but can't remember the last time I updated it. The knowing what someone had for lunch or that their off to the toilet doesn't interest me at all and don't even get me started on the privacy side of things.

I tried twitter and found the letter count too limiting yes I know that its meant to be snippets of what your doing but most of the time you need a bigger canvas.

Maybe I should embrace the change but personally I'm not ready to surcome to the masses quite yet.

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