Cam Hunt

In my hunt for a new ‘project’ webcam I seem to have cleared ebay out of
them ha. Story so far….

Logitech Quickcam Connect = No
Logitech Quickcam 3500 = No

Please note some of these cams can be made to work on linux however require
patches/kernel recompiles etc etc which I can’t be bothered with.

I’ll update this post as my testing continues

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I hate mondays….

Couldn’t find my id card this morning. Got on bus and oyster card had no
money on it so had to pay in loose change. I went to cashpoint and got £20
out. Got to station checked oyster card ballance which was £1.10 put tenner
in to add £5 machine displayed £6.10 swiped my card to update it and it said
it couldn’t be read and refunded me £5, I checked the balance and it still
showed £1.10. I spoke to station people who made me out to be a liar saying
id prob only put £5 in, I said id just got £20 from the bank and showed him
the other £10 to prove I had money to pay but he said machine hadn’t shown
an error, I suggested we try to re-create the problem but he wasn’t


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Cams Cams Cams

While working on my next webcam project i’ve found a hardware issue with the Labtec V-UH13 webcam. Now initially I used this model as it was just a spare one I had kicking around but I got another one as it’s cheap and I liked the ease with which it could be dismantled and rewired and also it’s compactness when out of it’s housing. However i’ve found that there is a delay before a picture can be taken ie it’s needs to initialize which is a bit of a nightmare as there’s no point having a camera taking stills if it’s going to take a few seconds to ‘warm up’. My sweex desktop and spare logitech pro work fine straight away but i’m not going to pull these apart. So my next job is to find another compact webcam that’s going to be suitable for my needs. Sigh…. 

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Twitter Bug

No i’m not talking about the song by 80’s pop group Wham but rather the bug I seem to have contracted by the name of Twitter and I don’t think it will be curable anytime soon.

Firstly to make things clear it is not the constant tweeting of where I am or what i’m doing so if you thought this was a chance to find out when I have breakfast or go to the toilet then i’m afraid your going to be disappointed.

It in fact relates to the API or ‘Application Programme Interface’ side of it. I posted recently about how I managed to get ‘motion’ to automatically update my twitter account when movement is detected on a camera well i’ve started to look at other things I can ‘hook’ into it. I got my usb thermometer to tweet the temperature of my front room every hour via a script I wrote.

While I was happy with my achievements I wanted to delve into the ‘reverse engineering’ side of it ie rather than getting peripherals to post updates based on their status I wanted commands to be executed depending on what I posted on twitter.

What transpired from this was firstly a big headache and nearly a full solid day of keyboard bashing. Lunch time came and went with me not eating as I was in that dreaded ‘just 10 mins more’ mode. Alas at about half 3 I had to take a 10 minute breather before my eyes fell out and fingers seized.

At the end of it I had managed to write a script that monitors my status updates for ‘keyword’ changes and will then run another script depending on what it is. So for example if I wanted to know the temperature in my living room at any time of the day I would simply update my twitter status with something like ‘CurrentTemp’ my script would then pick this up then run my temperature script which would then output the result to twitter.

Apart from twitters own API documentation there is very little elsewhere that tells you how to do what i’ve done so the fact that the script is 100% done be me (through lots of trial and error ha) it gives a greater feeling of achievement and satisfaction. Now the bulk of the script is done it should make things a little easier to ‘hook’ into it.

In my quest for twitter automation I have hit one snag and that is that twitter only allows 150 requests to it’s API every hour. OK so this would allow a request every 30 seconds and more than enough for most users. However the backbone of my script is reading the latest update as often as possible there is no point requesting the temperature of my living room and having to wait nearly a whole minute lol. I know it sounds like i’m being a bit OTT but the other projects I have in mind will require quicker executions than 30 seconds.  

That said this project could only be used for ‘non essential’ equipment, I wouldn’t think about using it on a burglar alarm for example as the there are too many points of failure, power cut, loss of network, twitter breaks etc etc.

Watch this space….

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Twitter API

Had some free time yesterday so tinkered with Twitter. Never really used it much before but yesterday I managed to hook it into ‘motion’ so it automatically updates the status when the webcam detects movement.

After a bit of a headache I finally got my USB thermometer working on my Linux box and today I managed to hook that into Twitter as well so I will probably make a little cron script to update it every hour or so.

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Lan Speeds

Currently getting 9.45 MB/s on my 100 lan so will see what I get when I upgrade all machines I can to GB.

12.5 Meg/sec is MAX on 100

125 Meg/sec is MAX on 1000

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Dungeons & Dragons – The Final Episode

Complete random post this one but after seeing an offer for the Complete Series of Dungeons & Dragons it was pointed out that the final episode ‘Requiem‘ was never actually made but rather sat in paper form on the writers bookshelf. It appears the wannabe Dungeon Masters have bugged the writer Michael Reaves some what so he’s released the script for the final episode for everyone to read.

I for one won’t be buying the DVD boxset as sometimes things are best just left as good memories as I’m sure it won’t be as enjoyable now i’m 30 (ish). BUT I will be reading Requiem when I have my lunch today.

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