
Well i’m all pigged out, ate enough food to feed the whole of west london and drank the same ammount to boot. Got lots of excellent presents and now on a christmas wind down chilling and drinking 🙂

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The Hogfather

I waited for in anticipation at the announcement of the TV adaptation of Terry Pratchett’s The Hogfather from his Discworld series. I remember reading it many years ago which is a miracle in itself as i’m not a big reader but I enojeyed it none the less. It was aired on skyone on 18/12/06 & 19/12/06 between 20:00-22:00 and I must say it didn’t disapoint, it stayed very true to the book and didn’t loose the humour. A good cast was to be had….

David Jason – Albert
David Warner – Lord Downey
Ian Richardson – Voice Of Death
Joss Ackland – Mustrum Ridcully
Marc Warren – Teatime
Michelle Dockery – Susan
Neil Pearson – The Raven
Nigel Planer – Mr Sidney
Peter Guiness – Medium Dave
Stepehen Marcus – Banjo
Tony Robinson – Vernon Crumley

Although four hours long it didn’t seem like it and it bounced along and I never bored of it.

Death was by far my favourite character

I’ve decided that for a laugh from now on when I do reviews I will give a chainsaw rating out of 5. And a surprise even to me, The Hogfather gets

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Got Car

Or van to be precise off ebay. It’s not bad for what I paid for it a bit tatty but hey i’m looking forward to the 50 mpg from the power that is diesel ha.

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PS2 Scarface The World Is Yours

Got this today and been playing it for like 6 hours. Is a good game and addictive although can’t help feeling i’ve seen it all before. If you’ve played GTA, Godfather, Hitman then the gameplay is very similar to them just different senario. When will Sony release something new and invigorating?

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The Wonders Of Public Transport

Didn’t have the car at the weekend so had to use public transport to get to work. My god what a nightmare! saturday went as well as could be expected until I was waiting for the train home. Train starts to pull into the platform stops halfway the driver gets out and runs off and forgets to open the doors meaning the passengers can’t get out. Don’t really know why he did this maybe he just needed the toilet? still, had to wait fo LUL staff to come and let the passengers off. Can you imagine if there was a fire? wouldn’t want him as my driver I can tell you with his ‘sod everyone else i’m off’ attitude.

Sundays journey was horrible. Do a journey planner jobie so I got up/left in time. Walking down the road and the bloody bus went pass cause it was early. Brought a paper and stood in the freezing raining weather for 20 minutes for the next one. Got on sat down and the driver says “Is the shop open?” “Yes” I replied. He left the bus closing his cab door behind him and went to the shop. On his return found found that in his haste he’d locked the keys for the cab inside the bloody thing!!!! Lots if umming and arring and trying to pick the lock with his front door key. Then he looks at me and says “I’m locked out”, now by this time I was beginning to lose it so went to see if I could do anything, well to cut a long story short I managed to reach the latch on the other side of the door and let guy back in.

I rarely use public transport and when I do it turns into a massive mission, people can bleet on all they like saying we should use it more but I say SOD EM i’ll take the car any day.

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