Snow Madness

It wasn’t until someone mentioned on a forum that they’d had snow overnight that I actually looked out my room window to notice that i’d been hit with it as well. Can’t be too bad I thought it’s only surface stuff. But I was wrong, apart from nearly breaking some sort of bone by slip slidding down the pavement with my psh shoes which should be advertised as skies due to the lack of grip the journey was to prove much worse. Got to the station, track was clear no snow but then the announcement came, “train has just left Watford and will arrive in 15 mins”. No problem I thought, but 15 mins came and went and the station filled up causing people to huddle together like penguins. FINALLY the train came and we squeezed on like cattle. My subsequent trains were no different and I was glad for my Mc’ds breakfast at the end.

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